Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Stanley Park

Decided it was time to get out on the bike again so I headed down Marine Drive to the Lions Gate Bridge to get into Stanley Park. Some of the coat ride/walk was shut due to damage from the Winter, trees over etcFound a great big dead tree with an other growing out of it, that seems to happen quite a lot here.
Between the beaches on the south side of the headland spotted a big bird, this time not from Sesame St. Possibly a Sea Eagle? Tried to get a better pic and it cheesed it then got mobbed by seagulls but it was happy about that...Once my tour of the headland was completed and I'd seen all the usual touristy type of things like the totems, I headed back to North Van I turned up Capilano Rd and ended up eventually at the Cleveland Dam. Man was it high, just look at the little folks on the left and they ain't anywhere near the bottom.
Decided I wanted more pictures so I rode down the footpath (naughty, naughty) wasn't to many people about, just folks letting their dogs crap all over the trial, nice...
There were quite a few look out points which were really well placed, the one below had a large rock ledge sticking out over the river with a plunge pool under it, fancied giving it a try, but i know my luck. NEWSFLASH "Today a man dropped the 30' into the Capilano River and struck his head on a huge rock watched his bike get stolen then died" well maybe not....
Oh, did i mention it was raining? All day. None Stop.
No? Well it was.

The strange thing it wasn't cold shorts and a T was all I required, on the local news they were having a block party and the weather didn't seem to bother them??
The height of the valley was pretty amazing, and the cloud was in the trees.

My Favorite Photo of the day has to be this one of a Giant Fir in the forest, it came out almost black and white not sure how but I Like it.

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